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Customer story Quiet Tilburg

"We don't employ an IT professional, but we have to guarantee our quality and continuity"




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Quiet Community: "If we get well supported, we can support our members well"

Quiet Community has locations throughout the Netherlands. They draw attention to the silent poverty. Stefan Jansen, outgoing chairman of Quiet Tilburg, says: "There is still a lot of poverty in Tilburg, we want to tell that story. Besides we want to alleviate poverty and the lives of our members who are in poverty strengthen life. From the organization, which largely runs on volunteers, we were asked to redesign our IT facilities." Quiet went looking to a, preferably local, IT party that could guide them to a new way of work and is socially involved. Stefan knew Marc Franken from hallo, already through his work as a lawyer at De Voort advocaten. "The way hallo, works, speaks to us. It's great that Marc was also open to supporting our organization with the IT knowledge of him and his colleagues."

Tilburg, oldest community: often pilot for changes

Quiet Tilburg is the oldest community, of the 11 communities is the Netherlands, they are often forerunner when it comes to changes. Not so strange that the request for a new way of working came from the organization itself. There within the organization was mainly worked with Google products, this was for many colleagues have difficulty working or lacked knowledge, a good structure could not be found. In addition, the community works with privacy-sensitive data, that also had to be arranged properly.

Guaranteeing quality and continuity with an external IT party

Marc Franken of hallo, has advised Quiet in taking the right steps at the right time, to get where Quiet wanted to go: a stable IT environment, in which everything is arranged, the basis is in order. The smarter working process has been rolled out for 14 workplaces and the switch to working in the cloud with Office 365 and became its own Workspace 365 portal artificial. Colleagues are trained and Microsoft Teams is set up. "The guidance of hallo, and the support for change ensured that the switch to a new way of working was experienced as very nice. We don't have an IT professional in service, but we have to guarantee our quality and continuity, this can be done we do with an external IT party. The experience and scope of hallo, Tilburg offers us this stability."

Happy with local partners

"Our organization is happy with local partners like hallo, we want our employees and volunteers can work nicely and efficiently. We can't do this without the support of socially engaged partners. If we have good support, as we get from hallo, we can get our members support them well and help them in the fight against poverty."

"We don't employ an IT professional, but we have to improve our quality and ensuring continuity"

– Stefan Jansen, Quiet Community