7 misconceptions about VoIP

VoIP offers companies countless advantages, from cheaper calls to unprecedented flexibility. However, not everyone has switched yet! This is partly due to the misunderstandings that still exist about Hosted VoIP. Below we list seven of the most common misconceptions. After reading, you will see that the disadvantages of VoIP are not so bad.

1. Poor sound quality

Many online phone services such as Skype and WhatsApp calling have poor sound quality. People quickly deduce from this that it will be no different with VoIP. However, the opposite is true! Thanks to digital technology, VoIP delivers better voice quality than analog connections. As long as you have a reliable internet connection and sufficient bandwidth.

2. Complex and time-consuming installation

It may sound intimidating, such a reorganization of the entire technical infrastructure of your company. Nevertheless, during the installation it always turns out that the hassle is not too bad. We supply our VoIP devices preset, so it’s Plug & Play. Our support team will call you to make the settings completely to your liking and possibly transfer your own number if you want to take it with you. Then you can call and be called immediately! Of course you can also choose a new number.

3. Exclusively usable on the PC

In the early days of online phone calls, the PC was often the device used. However, this has long been outdated. It is also perfectly possible to run the internet signal to a fixed telephone. That way you can just call with a VoIP phone.

4. Unreachable emergency number

There is a myth that you cannot call 112 with VoIP. However, VoIP telephony offers all the possibilities that an analogue telephone line also offers: whether you want to call international numbers or emergency numbers, it does not matter. Everything is accessible, and therefore also 112. However, it is true that the 112 central determines your location based on your area code. So if you call with an 088 number or decide to take a different area code than where you are originally located, you must clearly indicate this when you call the emergency number.

5. Loss of phone number

Even if you switch to a VoIP provider, you can still keep your fixed telephone number. Just like when you switch to another provider with analog telephony. It is even mandatory to offer the possibility of number retention!

6. High prices

VoIP uses more modern technology than analog telephony, but that doesn’t mean it’s more expensive. Of course, the switch costs something because you sometimes have to buy new devices. However, you then save so much on the monthly costs and especially international telephone calls, that you have earned back the investment after an average of a year.

7. Still in its infancy

VoIP is not a new idea: the technology has been around since 1990. In the meantime, it has experienced enormous growth and the technology has really been able to mature. So you do not have to be afraid of all kinds of ‘teething problems’ when you switch to VoIP telephony. In fact, 55% of SMEs in the Netherlands already use it!

Have you let any of the above misunderstandings keep you from making a switch? Then you’ll be happy to hear that you don’t have to worry about those problems. Please contact us if you have any further questions: at hallo, we would like to discuss how VoIP can also help your company move forward.

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