Too busy to switch to VoIP?

There is always a reason to switch to a VoIP system. For example, companies save an average of 50 to 75% after that transition! And you may have also long since become convinced that cloud VoIP offers better prices, features, and more flexibility. Yet in that case, many people are still held back by the idea that they don’t have time to switch!

Fortunately, that’s a myth. The truth is: if you’re a small business, you’ll have the whole system set up in less than an hour. The reason is that certain functions of the VoIP system significantly speed up the installation and configuration.

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Easily configure phones

Most VoIP deskphones are ready to use in a few steps. First of all, you will have to make sure that the phone is connected to the Internet via an Ethernet cable. Each employee then has access to power for the adapter. Finally, the phone only needs to be registered.

Registering your VoIP phones is very easy. By means of autoprovisioning, the correct settings are automatically pushed to the device. In general, the installation will not take much longer than five minutes per phone.

Many customers now also use softphones a lot. These are phone apps that you can use on your smartphone, tablet or PC, and that you can connect to your VoIP account. That way you can transfer all phone calls via your computer. Handy if you like to use a headset when making calls. Some service providers also have softphone apps that you can use directly from your internet browser.

Installing a regular app takes a few minutes at most. They’re incredibly useful when you’re working outside the office, on the go, or just if you want to be able to keep calling during the transition to a new VoIP provider.

Call again immediately

When a company switches to VoIP, temporary phone numbers are available to make the transition easier and test it in advance. That way you can be sure that business operations will not be disrupted in the meantime.

Most providers allow you to add new songs to your account in a few minutes. So nothing has to stop you once you’ve configured your phone. You can also add phone numbers and extensions to certain users through the online user portal.

No internet upgrade required

You often hear that you have to increase your bandwidth to use VoIP. That is simply not true. Almost all business internet connections can easily accommodate a VoIP system. A standard VoIP call uses about 100Kbps of bandwidth. That’s about a tenth of what a YouTube video at 720p uses! In other words, one video on YouTube is roughly equivalent to 10 simultaneous VoIP phone calls. A 5Mbps internet connection is ideal for a VoIP system. However, with a minimum of 3Mbps you can also go a long way.

VoIP: what do you get for an hour of time?

Is an hour of installation time worth a saving of 50 to 75%? You are the only one who can answer that question. Keep in mind that most frightening stories about VoIP are really just myths. You’ll set up your phones in minutes, and once you’re registered and logged in, you’ll already be able to make calls. All your phone calls are routed through your existing internet connection. And with the online portal you can adjust all technical settings yourself, without having to call our service desk.

A lot can be said about VoIP, but not that it takes much time. Want to know more? 

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